Jeonghyun Bae

Born on Christmas Eve in Seoul, Korea, Jeong-Hyun Bae, also known as Junction, had been making a persistent effort to become an outstanding programmer through various intensive experiences such as distributed applications development at Institute of Advanced Engineering of Korea and a logistics software development for US Bases in Korea while he served as Korean Army Augmentation to the U.S. Army, so called KATUSA soldier.

As a result, he was selected for Samsung Software Membership(SSM), a research and development station supported by Samsung Electronics, job at the company guaranteed a year of activity.

But as Junction spend more and more time in SSM, he realized that he wants to be challenged as a game designer which is his lifetime goal ever since he had played a beautiful European game - Twinsen's Adventure from Adeline with his 386 and also realized his old desire to be an artist that he once dreamed of as an amateur Radiohead tribute band's drummer.

So Junction joined the ETC in order to develop a truly unique experience by entertaining people through the beautiful mixture of technology and art. Let's get started!

Educational History

BS in Computer Science and Multimedia Ajou University
