Tera Nguyen

Tera Nguyen is a game producer with a focus on interactive games that use Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Machine Learning.

Tera is currently a producer for the Games For Change project, developing an iOs game to raise awareness on the challenges facing the art community. The game is going to be showcased to over 5,000 educators and game industry professionals at the 2019 Games For Change Festival in NYC. On the side, she is conducting an in-depth market research on the Virtual Reality ecosystem, aimed at helping indie developers and studios launching new games in the VR space. https://bit.ly/2XVkvBe

Tera was the Head Teaching Assistant for Building Virtual Worlds at Carnegie Mellon University (ETC) 2018.

Current Project: Paradigm

Role: Producer


Past Projects

  • Playgrounds

  • NeuroAct

