
A primary focus of the ETC’s educational philosophy is the project experience!  ETC students embark on projects during their studies, and all of these projects have a specific audience in mind.  To help ensure success in these projects it is important for our students to playtest.

The term playtest indicates the use of an experience or game by a guest to see whether it is performing as expected.  Students participate in playtest workshops each semester led by Professors Jessica Hammer and Mike Christel to learn how to conduct playtests effectively as well as how to use the information gained through this experience.   The ETC along with the HCII department at CMU also keeps a website with workshops materials for playtesting  to explore, to refine, and to persuade gameplayers.

The ETC also hosts a Playtest Day each semester giving interested groups the opportunity to see and test some of the innovative work being done in our department.  If you are interested in being a playtester for the ETC, please sign up to be part of our Playtest Day or if you are interested in additional information.

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