Prototypes 3 and 4

Quarters walkarounds last Monday went smoothly and our demos were well-received, so we are in high spirits! We just finished up work on our first two prototypes, which were basic combat and locomotion.  This week, we start work on prototypes 3 and 4:

  • Motion-Combat integration and AI
  • Combos and Advanced blending
These two prototypes will cover a broad range of content that will be critical to developing the feel of our experience.  Motion-Combat integration refers to the transition between locomotion and combat (moving with the joystick vs. 1:1 control), and the enemy artificial intelligence will be further enhanced. Combos, or combination attacks, will be strings of attacks that flow smoothly and do more damage when strung together, and we will continue to improve our per-bone blending techniques to tune the feel as much as possible.
Our artists have also been hard at work developing our hero character, his animations, and his cloth-simulated overcoat. The enemy Rigg is currently being textured as well, and all this content is being integrated into Unity as it comes in. More info on the hero Rigg as it gets further into development.
Stay Tuned!!
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