Introduction to each part of the app

The application is comprised of 5 main parts:

① Scene Editor

You can view your scene here, and arrange the object within each scene.

You can edit the properties of each object – name, position, interactive or not, and so on. You can also delete an object from the scene.

② Gallery & Object List

You can choose items from the gallery, and drag them to your scene.

You can import your own pictures and sounds here.

You can find everything you have added to your game in the Object List, and switch between scenes there.

③ Interaction Editor

The game is done through Interaction Boxes. This is the area you create, edit, and store Interaction Boxes.

Each interaction box has three parts:

  1. Event – what triggers this box.
  2. Condition (optional) – what conditions to check before executing this box.
  3. Reaction – what happens when this box is triggered.

④ Interaction Library

Here are all the possible Events and Reactions you can use in Interaction Boxes. Drag them into a Box to use.

You can create States to change and check in Interaction Boxes.

⑤ Top Menu


You can create a new project, open project, save or build current project.

You can run the game right in the editor!

You can import your sound and pictures here, too.

You can also change the settings for your game.