After recognizing our group's mission and focusing on several needs important to the ETC's culture and academic values - from having a more comfortable work space to representing what Entertainment Technology means and why we are passionate about it to displaying inspirational works (including our very own!)- we invested our time heavily in the following installations:

  • Installing touchscreens and painted speakers as a virtual window into each project room

  • Collecting historical "entertainment" artifacts and fabricating a display case to hold them

  • Hanging posters representing some of the industry's inspirational - even groundbreaking - films

  • Painting and "theming" major spaces in which ETCers work, play and tour

  • Rebelling against the "office" structural environment by softening the lighting schemes and throwing down a few rugs and soft chairs

  • Mounting ETC models and artwork in a previously empty stairwell space that sees many visitors

  • Creating small lounges spaced - nooks - with bean bags and whiteboards in areas that were previously only extending the structure of the building

  • Promoting a "History of Entertainment Technology" timeline, based on specific criteria, that visitors and ETCers can peruse and enjoy

  • Redesigning the department website for a cleaner look, easier feel and with a more efficient databasing system

  • Working with MediaPull fiber optic technology to test projection, interactivity and haptics at the ETC

  • Testing the pull of a MediaPull screen at the University center on main campus

  • Creating an assortment of refreshable "marketing materials" for the department such as: orientation packets, handbooks, invitations, t-shirts, faculty labcoats, candy, postcards and resume CDs

  • Tediously archiving all graphic design iterations, and handing over an ETC Toolbox for future iterations of invitations, brochures, pamphlets, handbooks, presentation slides, bumper stickers, t-shirts, chocolates...