Week 13

Week 13 started with the team coming together and doing an internal play-test. While play-testing we made a list of bugs and also some improvements that we could make. It was extremely crucial as we clearly knew what needed to be done before softs to make the game fun and playable. The team also finished working on the leader-board screen which was quite important for our game as it makes the players feel a sense of competition and also want to do better than the other team or better than their last performance. Kanishk continued working on making help bubble pop-ups when they mouse over a particular button. Ashley worked on making the individual pop screen for each role. Anil and Johnson had meetings to resolve issues to implement time and budget and how the game state will be saved and restored once a user logs out.

Tuesday was focused on fixing all the bugs. We made good progress to make sure that most of the UI screens were bug free and the buttons were doing their intended tasks. We were almost done with the individual profile screen which provided a player information about the his teammates and bubble pop-ups. We also implemented a feature which allowed the project manager to choose a team name at the beginning of the game which would then be displayed on the leader board.

Wednesday we had another internal play-test and made a list of things that worked and things that still needed improvement. Everyone took up one task that made the game better and started working on it. The team was focused and working hard to prepare for the Soft Opening.

Thursday and Friday was Thanksgiving break but the team had clarity in the tasks that needed to be done and worked towards finishing those tasks. All the programmer were working on making improvements. The team also decided to make the handbook more readable, adding button sounds and a background music and printing out a how to play manual for each player. The team also was in discussions to make a short video of the gameplay due to the 15 min time constraint during softs and also a short power point to introduce our projects.

We are all looking forward to a successful Soft Opening.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!