Newsletter Week 6: Preparing for the playtest

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Crescendo Encore is aiming to conduct the first round of external playtest on Friday of Week 7. The goal is to have two hardware, Timpani and Clarinet, and new music arrangement of Carmen working on XNA. Players will be able to navigate through the menu system from the start to the actual gameplay.

Keeping the primary design objective –“making the game fun and easy”– in mind, Crescendo Encore is fully functioning in every department to get ready for the first external playtest!

Crescendo Encore is working closely with SmileGate to create an user friendly game interface. SmileGate shared insightful feedback, and we are working on getting it into the UI. We are now working on the menu UI and gameplay UI in parallel so that we can have a foundation to build off of by next week.

The team has been working heavily on music rearrangement. In our prototype, we re-arranged the Ode to Joy to test out our rearrangement idea. Even though we decided to replace Ode to Joy with a more children friendly piece, we learned a lot from internal playtests regarding player’s understanding of how the music beats work and how to make the gameplay easier. We are applying what we learned to the Carmen rearrangement. We will decide the other two music choices soon based on the survey and research we did.

For hardware, we have already worked out the solution for Clarinet, so we switched gear to plan out for Violin and French Horn.
Last but not least, Crescendo Encore has continued updating the prototype to implement more design features, to update renewed placeholders, and to modify programming solutions to make them more sustainable and efficient.

Crescendo Encore is looking forward to our playtest next Friday!