Newsletter Week 13: The playtest week

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This week, Team Crescendo Encore has be working in a super fast pace. DoReMi Pets’ second music piece–Cancan– is coming online for playtesting at the CMU West Carnival. The interactive tutorial has been continuing. So far we have Clarinet and French Horn’s art assets ready, and our programmer is working on getting them in game as soon as possible. The game flow is completed (except for the tutorial part).
The title screen and main menu are no longer placeholders. We have finished all the four characters’ animations. However, the French Horn’s didn’t reach the bar our artist set for the game, so we decided to redo it. The other three are all working in the game. All the voice over is recorded. Last but not the least, the clarinet’s active button holes are re-positioned, and a set of finger friendly buttons has replaced the old ones.

Our team was crunching this week. Not only are we working hard on getting the game’s missing pieces online, we also spent a large amount of time on playtesting with our target audience and fixing problems we found.

We showcased DoReMi Pets to forty 12-13 year old middle school students. During the week, we also held three rounds of playtest with children and their families. While working overtime to meet the goal, the team was always recharged by the young playtesters when they asked to play the game over and over again.

There is certainly a lot of polish that needs to be done, but we are positive about our progress. We hope to keep the momentum and finish strong in the last two weeks.