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    On Friday, Team Epiphany gave the halves presentation. We received a lot of feedback on game design and level design. It is great encouragement when we find out the audience are curious about the rest of our game.


    According to the feedback from our advisors, it was integral for us to focus on defining the overall emotional arc for our game and each level. Our game designer has gone back and forth in order to come up with the most reasonable emotional journey for the game. The team agreed that the respective themes are…

    Level 1: Trust & Help

    Level 2: Compromise & Sacrifice

    Level 3: Independence & Loneliness

    The most important message that we want to deliver to the players is …

    A relationship has its highs and lows, as well as closeness and separation. But one should always cherish it.

    With the overall goal clearly understood, the team could work more efficiently on Level 2 and even the design of transition between Level 2 and 3. We had our Level 1 locked early this week. For the rest of the week, we spent quite a good time on practicing the presentation. We showed everything we had on the 1/2 presentation. Our programmers fixed the physics in our game over the weekend. Artist designed the atmosphere in each level. We have the next month planned out until soft opening.

    Halves Presentation

    Halves Presentation


    The project will not pause for anything. After halves presentation, we are all encouraged and motivated to enter the next level. Our team already have hands on level 2. We are planning a playtest on next Friday.


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