Week 8 – Newsletter

By Gina Jeon

Hi, we are team Funival. We finished our Duck game prototype and the reward system design. The new duck game is 2 vs 2 players game. In the each team, one player takes a slingshot to shoot either stones or bread. Another player takes the control of a duck. If the duck player eats the bread, the duck can grow larger. If the duck got hit by the stone, it will go to dizzy mode for five seconds. The goal of the game is to grow the duck to 100 pounds, faster than the another team.

Those are some of the feedback we got from the client meetings.

Duck game

  1. scare the bread out of the duck could be a funny way to show how stone works.
  2. Add animation of duck eating, and then test whether eat button is necessary.
  3. We also need to test which function of stone works better, hitting ducks or pushing everything away.


We also proposed the idea of the reward system. After the players play the game, they can visit the store to unlock the toys they want with the accumulated tickets.


This week, we plan to work on polishing the ice cream game and reward system design. See you soon!


 Category: Newsletter