Week 9 – Newsletter

By Gina Jeon

Hi, we are team Funival.

Halves presentation is coming. The team is busy preparing for the presentation. Those are the quick summary of the topics we will cover during the presentation. Also, we named our two mini games. The Ice cream game will be called Scoop God, and the duck game will be called Chubby Duck.


The team – Tiffa, Gina, Elizabeth, Ryan and Chuan

The advisors – Carl and Heather

The clients – EA OCCO

The goal – To create 1 to 4 players carnival mini games for connected TV platform (target – family with kids)

Our research process – visiting BoardWalk beach for carnival game research

The introduction of our games

<Scoop God>

How we created UX wireframe, art design, figuring out the controllers.

<Chubby Duck>

How we developed the initial idea and how we iterated it after the quarter feedback. Present our new idea about the game.

<Reward System>

Introducing the flow and the function of the reward system.


You can see the presentation slides below.

Presentation slides

 Category: Newsletter