Week 12 – Newsletter

By Gina Jeon

Hi, we are team Funival. This week, we are keep developing our duck game called Chubby Duck. Based on the feedback we got from the clients and the faculties, we worked on various shapes of ponds for the Chubby Duck game. We tested the shape of the ponds to find more natural looks.


Also, we added more 3d background assets to make the game more engaging. Currently, we had transparent blue plane to describe the water surface. However, we’ll update the water surface to give it realistic looks. We plan to change the pointer on the bottom side to the arrow shape for easy recognition to the players. We also got feedback and questions about our Ice cream game and the reward systems.


Reward system Feedback

  1. Change confirm button to Yes
  2. Show toys at the same time


Ice Cream Feedback:

  1. Change the look of fireball to chili ball?
  2. Fix the ready button. Instruction disappears on TV before everyone click ready from their phones
  3. When fireball comes, the machine changes color, but the yellow and orange blend into the flags above it.
  4. Play audio to tell everyone that the God of Ice Cream is appear
  5. The timer bar is green.  We can change it to common ice cream color. The topping could be m&m
  6. Play audio louder when we are presenting our game in carnival


We’ll keep working on to improve the quality of the games! See you next week.

 Category: Newsletter