Week 12

This week, Future Tech continued working on making the mod playable in preparation for playtests scheduled over the course of the week, and finishing up the art assets.

The artists continued working on the artwork needed for our mod, including the policy designs and buttons, as well as the leaders for the leader screens. The programmers continued their work towards getting their work ready for the playtests scheduled for this week. When we managed to get our mod prototype working, we invited several faculty and fellow students to playtest our mod and provide feedback. We met with John Dessler on Wednesday and he helped us to think about how to best present our work to both the faculty and client. We arrived at the idea of making several scenarios to show the faculty as guided experiences during soft opening. This allows us to also put more effort towards fleshing out the social aspect of our project, which the client emphasized that we should not forget about. On Friday, we ran our guided experience scenario idea by both Drew and Barry, and both agreed that it was a good approach to take.

Over the weekend, the team will work towards getting the scenarios up and running for playtesting, so that we can start the iterative process towards the final versions of our scenarios.

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