We had 7 guests coming in this Wednesday to playtest our experience. We ask playtesters to choose from one of the five acts. We also ask them to fill out a survey afterwards.

From here we can see that feedback for stories are generally positive. The pacing is too slow for some players. Also people have trouble understand how to talk to different characters.
Our major painpoint is Alexa interaction, especially what Alexa expects the player to say.
We noticed that some playtesters have never played games on Alexa before.

Major takeaway from this playtests include:

  • We should use more question style ending to prompt the user to answer
  • If a user is stuck at one point, instead of repeating the same reprompt message, we should give them more help or hints.
  • Visuals could help players to navigate
  • More fallback answers
  • More acceptable answers but different phrases

Next week, our team will make changes based on the feedback and playtest internally to make sure all the nodes are easy to use.

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