Category Archives: Play Testing

Episode Thirteen: Soft Landing

With softs right around the corner, the team has been continuing to work to put more touches and polish the app, despite the gravitational force that is BVW sucking team members’ time away. A great deal of progress was achieved on the art side this week: Phil managed to complete all 12 Locanimals’ initial animations.Continue Reading

Episode Eleven & Twelve: Testing Positive

With our halves presentation behind us, the team has shifted into playtesting mode: iterating on our existing work and adding to the app. The past two weeks have been somewhat arduous–not in the volume of work that needs to be created, but in figuring out what to implement. We had a regroup meeting at theContinue Reading

Episode Seven: On Our Way To A Build

Week seven was a big return to progress and moving forward for our project! The week began with a testing open-house for Locanimals, our key focus was paper testing our current UI and Locanimal design. Dani and Erica ran our UI tests with approximately 8 participants. Together they walked them through paper versions of eachContinue Reading