Episode Seven: On Our Way To A Build

Week seven was a big return to progress and moving forward for our project! The week began with a testing open-house for Locanimals, our key focus was paper testing our current UI and Locanimal design.

Dani and Erica ran our UI tests with approximately 8 participants. Together they walked them through paper versions of each different UI screen, allowing the participants to‘click’on whatever they wanted. We found that for the most part, the UI was intuitive and well received. We had a few adjustments to make in terms of button color values, but for the most part no major reworks were needed!

Christian, Phil, and John ran participants through the Locanimal tests. These tests were very illuminative and helped answer a lot of questions for the team. For the most part, nearly every participant had at least 3-5 Locanimals they really gravitated towards and liked, which is exactly what we wanted. A majority of the other Locanimals were accepted as well, with only a few routinely falling into the “least liked” category.

We found that people really wanted Locanimals with clear personalities and expressive appearances. We had been worried about more human-like Locanimals (i.e., Purrdechat, Racoon), but people liked these for the personality they brought and diversity they presented. The Locanimals that fell flat were the ones who were too close to the animals they were based on (i.e., Dolphin & Shark), had unpleasant colors (i.e., Manatease), or where their personalities were not clearly evident (i.e., Slothbear).

With this new information, we will now focus on three key factors in Locanimal design: Personality, Expression, Colorfulness.

At the end of week, we also hit a momentous milestone: Core battling is complete!… but you’ll have to wait until next week to hear more about that!

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