Moving Toward the Heart: Get Closer Postmortem

[As part of our project, mindful xp is committed to documenting our progress – part of that is creating post-mortems for our games. Post-mortems are very candid about game details, so if you don’t want a game’s experience spoiled before you play, reading these might not be in your best interest.]

Get Closer was the final game created for the mindful xp project. It was an individual game created by myself about the difficulty with trying to get close to someone. As the last project in our semester, it was a pretty straightforward process to develop the game.


Get Closer is an offshoot of a previous game idea I was working on for the Ludum Dare 48 competition this April. The theme of the original Ludum Dare was “tiny planet” and the original game was called A System of My Own. In the game you controlled a planet trying to navigate around various solar systems and find the right orbit. However while the design for that never quite came together, I did take the main orbiting mechanic and adjust that for Get Closer.

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Get Closer released

What a wild ride it’s been! We released our final game for mindful xp today. You can play Get Closer on our own site, on Kongregate, or Newgrounds right now.

Thanks to everyone for your support and plays this year. It’s been an incredibly rewarding time developing all 10 games this semester. We’ll keep on updating with new postmortems and other new so please keep in touch! Thanks and keep playing!