About Museum.Live

We are building a storytelling tool to enable museum staff to design and execute virtual museum experiences for their guests. These live virtual experiences will be conducted through a digital platform, such as Zoom, and enhanced by our Web-based tool.

Museum.Live is an interdisciplinary team of 5 Graduate students from CMU Entertainment Technology Center. We’re developing this tool based on the prior research of a summer preproduction team. Through iteration and development with Museum staff, we plan to make our web-based tool:

  • Be simple and easy for museum staff to navigate.
  • Support diverse, accessible experiences.
  • Enable conversation between tour host and guest.

By the end of this project, we will deliver a functional prototype of our tool to each our 5 partners.

Who are our 5 museum partners?

  • Fallingwater
  • August Wilson
  • The Frick
  • Westmoreland
  • Mattress Factory

What is our biggest challenge/goal?

Finding the most approachable and feasible ways to translate in-person tours to virtual

Check out our rough cut of the educator’s instructions and our latest build notes.