Week 5

I cannot believe quarter week has come already!

This week, we spent a lot of time refining our story and preparing for the quarters walk-around. Also we made many changes for our demo based on the playtest feedback and our own playtest experience.


For the demo original version, we made following changes:

  1. add lanterns, modify environment and lighting
  2. add an eye gaze mechanism. only drop spirits when guest looks at laterns
  3. modify hand model states (shaders) when guest grabs and triggers
  4. move irish water symbol to the ground
  5. slow down spirits
  6. slow down spirits even more when they get closer to the guest

We made a lot of progress in developing the mechanism of our demo and we thought the quarter version is a heavy mechanism based version of our demo. And we really want to see how people will react to the mechanism we implemented and would like to use.


We refined our story and added more background to it to make everything more understandable.

  1. At beginning  there will be a little boy and mom on a small island and they are talking about why people release lantern on the water. By doing this we hope we can show several cut scenes to explain the whole background and the basic assumption we have of our story.
  2. We add several details to make sacrifice as a easy choice for user. But for this part we are very struggle to keep balance between limiting the total experience time and providing as much information as possible so that user can have a more strong feeling.


As for quarters, we received a lot of useful feedback both on story side and demo side. For our demo, we asked our guest several questions each time they finished demo. Although our demo experience is quite short and there is not much things user can do, we still found out many potential changes that we should make.

Environment and visual effect:

  1. There is less feedback in grabbing the lights
  2. Didn’t feel under water- missing underwater assets, plants, fishes, corals need to be added


  1. The mechanism is not very intuitive and sometimes don’t work as users expect them to, but once they know how to control they feel very satisfied to control the spirit
  2. They want to throw the lights around and not just drop it down, and they do not know what to do after grabbing the lights
  3. the feeling of pulling air to bring lights towards you makes sense
  4. if I grab it and something lights up, I’ll know where to drop or throw it- more hint and feedback needed


  1. Someone suggested a game called LUNA as a reference

Photo Library:

Here are some photos that we took in quarter walk-around.

Welcome to team MYSTIQUE!

Inspiration wall!

Demo area

 Presentation area with a huge monitor!

Guest playing our demo




About the author: mystique