
team photo
GLENN DAI, an “evil” gamer. He hides at ETC as a programmer and a producer, actually his goal there is to have fun. Upon leaving the ETC, he wants to “sabotage” the entertainment technology industry with his vision and skills, which is extremely “dangerous” to the world.

In conclusion, highly wanted, alive only.



Chih-Wei “Jerry” Chen, the programmer in team Nickel, once known as a crazy ping-pong player in Taiwan. He found out that only when doing game design and programming can he find true tranquility in his heart. To seek the Holy Grail of game development, he went to Entertainment Technology Center. He is now a programmer in team Nickel, ready to bring game design into a new level.



CECILIA PENG, an creative game artist and UI designer. She always loves to explore new stuffs in her life, and for now, making games is the most novel and coolest thing for her. After gained so much awesome experience in ETC, she wants to convey this kind of joys to more and more people through games.
In conclusion, she is ready to ROCK THE WORLD!



ROCK ZHANG, a hilarious game design programmer during the day and a curious jungle wanderer during the night. He is so eager to know what ROCK ZHANG really is, believing the answering lying somewhere in his mind that making games is one of the coolest way to find it.
In conclusion, male, handsome and single.



YAN JIN, who was a “normal” game design programmer working in a very very normal way. Until someday when he was addicting on processing the data of 3D object, he was too concentrate to move himself. Then he changed into a 3D object, with diffusal texture.






Jiyoung Lee

Advisor / Client