Project Description

The Elizabeth Forward School District assigned us the challenge of creating specialized educational games that will help children practice the musical topics of rhythm, notation, and staff-reading in fun and engaging ways using the innovative SMALLab platform. We created two games: one that addresses rhythm and notation for grades 2 through 5, and another that addresses staff-reading for grades 6 through 8. Our games are designed to be learning tools that integrate into the semester curricula of each grade.

Natural Rhythm

This game is designed to help lower school students practice identifying the following note symbols: eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, and whole notes. The game tasks each player with identifying multiple instances of these symbols and producing sounds that correspond to each note’s beat length. For more information about how the game works, please consult the – Instruction Manual –

Music in Motion

This game is designed to help middle school students practice identifying and interpreting note symbols when positioned on a staff. The game tasks players with identifying notes that stream towards them, and matching them with their corresponding letter names. The letters appear on little monsters who eat notes that they correspond to. For more information about how the game works, please consult the – Instruction Manual –