Week 6

Hi everyone!

Welcome to week 6 of our project.

We had our quarters last week and we got some really valuable feedback. Following which we had a meeting with our client which eventually led us to make changes to our process, design pillars and goals for the semester.

During the quarters

Here is the summary of 1/4.

This week team SmAll went through the quarters, and received a bunch of useful advice from faculty.


-Play battleship number line and dragon box numbers.

-No war games.



-It is better to be specific.

-Need to make sure how students can learn something about fractions effectively.

-Play fraud fraction.


Jessica Hammer

-Build a tutorial level

-Find a good pedagogy

-Fix the scripts:

e.g. I’m bring food to 3 hungry ghosts. First, I’ll find them out…etc.

-Talking with teachers teaching fractions.

-An HCI student: Jenny Olsen, experienced in fraction games.



-Embody learning process to smallab/body learning/moving in the space.



-Why is this effective?



-What makes our game suitable for smallabs? Quia.com might help



-We should notice what we are making is a practice tool instead of a teaching tool.

-Customization is important.

-Test before building

-Why we are using the floor? Utilize the room.

-Read the postmortem of the previous smallab team



-Play slice fractions


These suggestions are so important for us to keep in the right path that I summarize them a little bit.

Basically, most suggestions are on:

  1. How to define good pedagogic?
  2. How to utilize the SMALLab space?
  3. How to make students practice effectively?

The solutions could be:

  1. Talk with teachers about the learning procedure and teaching method.
  2. Remember to take fully advantage of the SMALLab room while designing the game.
  3. Design specific questionnaires and conduct accurate play-tests.

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