Week 8: Halves Prep and Proximity -> Perform

This week, the Tuesday tales team prepared to present our progress to the faculty for halves. Matt, Xiao, and Jonathan worked on the content and visuals for the presentation. Xiao and Jin worked together to make a concept video to help share our current progress to the faculty. The whole team then came together to practice our presentation so that we would be ready for after spring break.


While the team preparing for halves, work was also put into combining the location proximity work with the building destruction prototype made the week before. This means that the current prototype now allows for players to go to locations and destroy buildings. This allows us to test half of our gameplay loop, proximity and perform. This means that the next couple weeks will be devoted to finishing the resource loop and adding in a broadcast component. As well as making more art assets to better tie real world buildings and the buildings in the game.