Newsletter Week 11

Week 11 was the first real week of crunch we had, and boy that was crazy.

We started out with needing to improve minigame 1 with all the feedback we got from Halves, as well as a load of improvements to be made to minigame 2, we also need to conceptualize and complete minigame 3 as soon as possible because Soft Opening is due in 3 weeks, this is apart from various UI/UX upgrades planned for the Adventure mode, filling up holes in the story as well as write the male part of the story.

We again broke up into small teams after delegation, and we were able to make good progress in both Minigames 1 and 2, with minigame 1 getting various tweaks to make it more intuitive, such as real ads popping up when they click the virus, irrelevant photos popping up when the wrong suspect is chosen and that wrong suspects chosen are disabled the next time, small upgrades that just polishes the feel of the game. For minigame 2, the upgrades were significant, with a full prototype being built within a week as well as conducting an online playtest.

We also made huge story developments after a meeting with our advisor John Dessler, act 3 was in place and the entire story came together as a coherent whole. We went into our client meeting on Thursday confidently and were well received. Our clients bought along Dave and Sabrina Culyba, ex ETCers and current game designers to critique us on our current build.

With all the pressure piling up, we decided to move the load of designing minigame 3 to Orry so Bora can focus on Minigame 2. The initial idea was a shooting game aimed to curb the spreading rate of Cassandra’s compromised photo.


Posted in Newsletters