Ki Chung

Ki Hwan Chung was born in Seoul Korea on December 17th of 1980.

Having both parents working since he was five, he spent most of his quiet childhood with a sketch pad and eventually discovered his strength in creativity and talent in art.

At the age of fourteen, he left Korea to seek his true potentials he had not discovered.

He studied Industrial Design at Carnegie Mellon University. After his graduation on 2005, Ki Hwan went back to Korea to better understand Korean working environment.

Ki Hwan is fluent in Korean, English and is proficient in Japanese. He desires to utilize and improve his cultural flexibility at the ETC Global.

He has strength in drawing (Character drawing, commercial visualization skills), digital 2-D and 3-D modeling.

He loves shopping, watching movies, listening to music, and to exercise for his free time. He believes exercise, and regular diet help create balance among great soul, mind and body to maximize productivity at work.

Contact: 412-725-3654

Educational History

Industrial Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts Carnegie Mellon
