Rex Hsieh

Rex Hsieh an alumnus from the Class of 2014. He worked on Team Sony PlayStation Ignite, Palimpsest, and did a semester of Co-op in Kanagawa Japan. He is an artist who has done works in a variety of media including Photoshop, 3ds Max, Maya, color pencil, print making, Chinese ink painting, water color, and graphic design. Before coming to ETC he studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and graduated with a double degree in New Media and Political Science.

Role: 2D/Texture Artist, 3D artist, exhibitor

Internship: KAIT

3D Modeling
3D Animation
2D Art

Past Projects

  • Palimpsest

  • PlayStation Ignite

Educational History

BFA New Media/BA Political Science University of IL at Urbana

Work History

Sony Innovative Fall 2013
