Week 02 Newsletter – 1/19-1/23 – Research & Project Branding

What we did:

This week we had long hours of brainstorming and came up with 8 ideas which were inspired by the three main functionalities of Tango device: motion tracking, area learning, and depth sensing. After pitching to our instructors, we were finally left with 2 ideas; 3D Mario Mayhem and The Tango Thief. We then gather together and analyzed the pros and  cons of each idea. And finally decided on the 3D Mario Mayhem idea, which is a 3D VR platformer game respecting user’s location information.

For the rest of the time, Haiyin was working on our branding materials and also collaborated with John to solve some design problems. Ojas worked on researching the point cloud data and networking between multiple devices. Emily set up a Unity scene and worked with Haiyin to recreate a virtual environment of the conference room we decided to use for our game.


The challenges we encountered:

Throughout the brainstorming sessions, we tried very hard to think outside the box, break the norms and push the boundaries. This way stimulated us some really cool ideas. Both the final two ideas provide a set of challenging design problems, depending on the team’s preference, we decided to go with the 3D Mario Mayhem idea.


Plans for next week:

We are going to prototype the main gameplay mechanics and conduct some user tests for the usability of two people sharing one screen and how recognizable of the scanned objects are with ours data meshing method. Last but not least, we will finalize our branding materials and send those files to the ETC faculty in Pittsburgh for feedback.
