Week 3 NewsLetter

We came close to finalizing our menu system, but after meeting with our advisors we decided we needed to start focusing on making working prototypes so we’d have something to show for 1/4s. Ruth suggested we work on a shooting prototype, since that was something everyone agreed would be fun to work on, and told us to pick two other interactions to prototype by Monday.

We began by making a simplified list of interactions we wanted to test, then ranked them in order of priority. For our first wave of prototypes, we settled on throwing a boomerang and balancing on the motion floor, in addition to the already-chosen shooting. We then broke into 3 teams and began working on them simultaneously. Also, on Friday we all gathered in the Cave to watch videos and play demos in order to have a better understanding of how content appears in the Cave.

Week 2 NewsLetter

This week we actually took a step back of sorts.

While we had come up with game ideas last week, after meeting with our advisors it became clear that we needed to start a little more simply, and work from mechanics upwards.  Our other producer set up a scrum board, and taught us about sprint planning.  We began setting out fairly basic tasks, like ensuring different platforms worked in the Cave, and people began taking ownership of them.

By Friday, we had gotten the PS Move to work, put together a rough design and working prototype of our menu, and started working on getting other platforms up and running.  We also started working on our branding material and website, and have rough versions of each.  We also put together a list of questions we want to explore in the coming weeks (what we can do with various pieces of technology etc.) which will serve as our road map going forward.

Week 1 NewsLetter

This week we mostly focused on getting to know each other and getting organized.

We discussed what role everyone wanted to take, and what they hoped to get out of the project.

We met with our advisors to discuss our plans for getting started on the project, and we came to the conclusion that since the Cave is a unique and under-developed platform, it would be best if we started by working on several small prototypes to see what was fun.

We ended the week by brainstorming ideas for fun games/interactions, and picked the most promising ones to show our advisors next week.