
Developing 'Space County', A Management Simulation Game

[Week 12] Development Blog: LET THE PLAYTESTS BEGIN

Our client works mainly with schools, so she was able to get a lot of schools to come to the ETC and playtest our game. It was sort of like a field trip for them, but for us, it was a decider if our game was fun or not. On Tuesday, We added more effects,…
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[Week 11] Development Blog: FURTHER ITERATIONS

On Monday, we decided to iterate based on our feedback, and also continue developing and tweaking our game more. Our artists were designated more models, like bridges to connect the towns, banners to identify different towns, and more characters. The characters were now animated and our programmers added them in the experience walking randomly. On…
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[Week 10] Development Blog: GRIND FOR PLAYTEST DAY

On Monday, we were expecting to work a lot this week. Especially, because we wanted a decent playable prototype for Saturday’s Playtest Day. We had a deadline for the entire design flow including UI elements on Wednesday, but until then, the programmers were constantly iterating on the mini game, as well as the game flow…
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[Week 9] Development Blog: THE BIG PIVOT!

On Monday, we thought of a lot of ideas and arrived on a big decision – A BIG PIVOT. The biggest change we made was that we changed the mini-game. Our mini-game was now an infinite runner. But, instead of collecting coins, you collect “data” and sort of survey the area for three particular groups…
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[Week 8] Development Blog: HALVES AND FEEDBACK

On Monday, we presented our game for halves to showcase our progress throughout the semester. The presentation was great, and it went as we were expecting it to go. We went from the beginning of the concept of the Census, to the depth of our project. We also showcased our current prototype. We started off…
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[Week 7] Development Blog: PLAYTEST BEFORE HALVES

On Monday, we found out that we had halves next Monday. So, to prepare for it, we delegated different topics to everyone in the team. We did not want to make any changes in the current prototype, so, instead we decided to have playtesters come in and play our game to get their feedback. The…
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[Week 6] Development Blog: CRUNCHING THE PROTOTYPE

Once we had done some playtesting on our paper prototype in Week 5, we wanted to finish a digital prototype. We had the core loop, and we could always reference the paper prototype. We had three important meetings on Thursday (faculty meeting, client meeting and first years’ project shadowing), and we had already promised a…
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[Week 5] Development Blog: LOTS OF FEEDBACK!

We took all the positive and negative feedback we received from Week 4 and decided to implement those into Week 5 We made a prototype in Unity just to set the system up and create a game loop, which we can then add more details, art, and design to. Since we couldn’t play test using…
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[Week 4] Development Blog: QUARTERS!

Week 4 was big for us because of 1/4 walkarounds and sit-downs. We were prepared to present our idea and then get a bunch of feedback Our programmers had already put together a working prototype which we could show for quarters. The feel of scrolling through the map, zooming and then tapping different areas was…
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[Week 3] Development Blog: LOCKING ON THE IDEA

After Week 2, we were feeling pretty confident about our idea, so we decided to go with it. Week 3 started with our client meeting. Since we had quarters coming up next week, they told us to just relax and explain our idea to them from a perspective of someone who knows nothing about the…
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