Coco & Co constructive communication & collaboration


Daily Update 9/13

Things I Did Today:

  1. Pitched story and character concepts for the game -- notably viewing the other character as a monster.
  2. Began a master One-Page design poster -- beginning with character size tests and screen transition mock-ups -- this will be hung up and added to as the game progresses.
  3. Tweaked character motion in-game.
  4. Consolidated graphics to inspire art direction -- these will be printed and hung around our studio space.
  5. Further designed character motion (deciding against the ability to grab ledges), artifact abilities (or lack-thereof)
  6. Acquired musician Doug Fischer to create original music for our game -- and provided him direction for how to proceed.
Filed under: Chris, Dailies Comments Off

Daily Update 9/12

  1. Reached out to various musicians to see if they'd like to contribute -- have one definite person who, after some direction, will try his hand at creating music for the game.
  2. Flushed out more of the game design doc.
  3. Came up with various answers for what the artifact can -- and cannot -- be.
  4. Came up with solutions for how to obscure the other character in a meaningful, and interesting way -- a play on the idea of "shadow monsters".
Filed under: Chris, Dailies Comments Off

Daily Update 9/11

  1. Reached out to various illustrators to get their takes on character design
  2. Further defined communication mechanics
  3. Concocted different titles (all bad ones)
Filed under: Chris, Dailies Comments Off

Daily Update 9/10

  1. Met with Katherine to think up puzzles
  2. Constructed the first draft of the design doc
  3. Developed character art
  4. Developed game story
  5. Decided each teammates next steps

mood: stoked

Filed under: Chris, Dailies Comments Off

Daily Update for 8/27/10

1. Completed the 1-on-1 design sessions, reaching a design direction and objective that everyone feels excited to make.

2. Began work on the Project Media Kit (poster, banner, and hand-out).
3. Concepted some early ideas for level design and game mechanics.
For Tomorrow (Monday):
Primary: Explore game mechanics, level design, and narrative
Secondary: Continue work on Project Media KitSecondary: Continue work on Project Media Kit.
Filed under: Chris Comments Off

Daily Update 8/26/2010


Met with each member (except Hugo) for 1-on-1 design meetings with the intention to get everyone's opinion on where we stand, and to get everyone's voice heard and accounted for.
Through these discussions, we've come up with a seemingly strong direction to move forward with based around the concept of "Compromise".

For Tomorrow

Will meet with Hugo first thing in the morning to get his opinions on the multiple directions currently on the table, and then meet with the team to discuss where to go from here. Furthermore, should we stick to the "compromise" game, I will spend the day thinking of interesting mechanics, play-scenarios, emergent stories, and theme/narratives for the game.

Filed under: Chris Comments Off

Daily Update 8/25/2010


  1. Assessed problems with design ideas we've had up to now.
  2. Made a list of verbs that we should pull from to inform what game mechanics we choose to go with -- exploring what does it mean to meet someone new, to learn to cooperate with them, to judge them, etc.
  3. Concepted a few new game ideas that I will present to the team -- informed each at different levels of development
  4. Mocked up a few art renderings to better communicate some of the ideas I'm trying to flesh out.

For Tomorrow

Will flesh out the game ideas constructed today, looking to get teammate input on some of the observations made, and proposed ideas. I'd like to host 2-person design sessions with anyone who's willing so they can both add to -- and poke holes in -- the thoughts I've constructed today. This should also prevent requiring the entire team to join a discussion where only one or two people are talking. It will also get everyone's voice heard and accounted for.

Filed under: Chris Comments Off

Daily Update 8/24/2010


Tested and analyzed gameplay using cut-out shapes -- identified strengths and weaknesses of the game, as well as of freedom of expression. Also began familiarizing myself with Unity3D and the 3DPlatformTutorial.

For Tomorrow

Further define gameplay. Hammering down on what makes expressive play interesting and what sort of rubrik or ruleset can be applied that will maintain -- and promote -- meaningful creation. Also begin learning how to design menus for the game.

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