Coco & Co constructive communication & collaboration


Daily Update


  1. Added new puzzles.
  2. Simplified some platforming sequences.
  3. Hunted down sounds.
  4. Made first draft of IGF game description for submission.
  5. Ran playtest and planned next steps in what we need to teach.


  1. Added dense foliage transitions to each level.
  2. Recorded sounds for a character, as well as his/her monster version.
  3. Gathered imagery for end-game.
  4. Made credits text (ready to be made into individual sprites)
  5. Discussed how to make the ending the best it can be.
  6. Figured out what sounds will be linked to what gestures, and why.


  1. Fixed some minor bugs.
  2. Edited and did special effects work on all character sounds (both human and monster versions). Over 80 sounds created for potential use.

What I'll do tomorrow:

  1. Finalize piston sequence for Sand character.
  2. Figure out and list needs to change in order to teach players the mechanics better, and implement these changes.
  3. Hand character sounds over to programmers/sound designer for implementation.
  4. If I get to it, design the last couple puzzles. (linked box, and finale)
Filed under: Chris, Dailies Comments Off
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