Week 3 – Meeting the client’s team

Home / Week 3 – Meeting the client’s team

This week, we had a very fruitful client meeting – Jim, our main point of contact, brought 2 researchers from his team to our meeting. Over the past few days leading up to the meeting, our team had been looking through all the resources Jim had provided. From there, we came up with an initial overarching idea of what we wanted our deliverable to be, which we soft pitched to Jim and his team:

1. A “synthetic interview”.
Technically, it’s more of an interactive video in which the users can click around to different sections. The video has already been shot and our job is to cut it up, though we’re trying to see if we can reshoot it to suit this specific requirement. This is the main thing which they want from us, as it’s the basis of our client’s grant. However, as a team, we’re slightly cautious about this, as synthetic interviews have a tendency to fall flat and not answer the user’s questions sufficiently.

2. An interactive web app
This is the bulk of what we want to do – a one stop web app where patients and their caregivers can find out anything and everything they need to know in the 2 days they have to make their decision. This includes things like how their quality of life (QoL) will change if they decide to undergo the surgery, statistics about their survival chances and risks, videos of the surgery, links to find out more information or talk to other patients, etc.

We have also requested developer access for mycora.org, a digital “cardiac counsellor”-of-sorts. This tool was built by the BioMed people, and can make relatively accurate prognosis for patients and doctors based on information they enter. Being able to extend this for our interactive web app would be a huge bonus.

Aside from the client meeting, we also did some preliminary “interviews”. We asked our parents and grandparents to put themselves into the shoes of a patient / caregiver, and what sort of information they would like to know in order to better make that decision. Most of the information were similar, e.g. QoL is the number one most important factor, but there was one thing in particular which we found really interesting. For grandparents, QoL referred to things like “Do I have to take pills for the rest of my life”, “How much longer will I survive”, “Do I need a caretaker 24/7”, etc. For parents, on the other hand, QoL was more like “Will I be able to go to the park with them?”, “Can they come on family vacations with us”, etc.

Tony summarized this very well, saying that while both are aspects of QoL, each party was most concerned about the part which directly affected their lifestyle. Patients wanted to know what changes to their life there would be, while their non-caretaker family members wanted to know how these changes would affect how much time they could spend with the patients.

Lastly, Aly has started on our team photo, poster, and half sheet design. The initial concepts are looking really good, and we’ll have them finalized by next week!

Final Branding and Team Photo

Code Blue Team
