Last week was a busy one! We have been mainly still working towards the directions that we made for ourselves at the beginning of this transition.
Meeting with Show & Tell Live
As promised, we got to chat with Show & Tell Live, who has been adjusting the way that they have been doing improv since the pandemic has hit. They have been doing improv on Twitch for about a year now, and they have quite a loyal base that will tune into their channel every Friday night.

We had quite a bit of nice takeaways from this meeting:
- Recognizing the audience member who made contributions to the show in any shape or form is important to building their community
- One word suggestions usually come from relatively silent people, chatty people try to give more suggestions
- Characters that get built over the course of multiple streams often is received very well
- From their experience – In order of importance :
– Audio -Visual quality -Production – Content / Personality - Their role definitions seemed to match what we have discovered!
Chatting with them and finding overlap between the work that they have been doing for a while is a great validation for all of us. It also seemed like the toolkits that we have created fits in with some of the games that they have developed, so we’re hoping that we could ship this production toolkit off to them with some of their games implemented!
More Production Toolkits
We continued to created production kits for more improv games with more complete functionalities. By the end of the week, we were able to set up the production toolkit off from all our tech’s computer, and we were able to restore the exact same setup by the streamer. This has definitely made us confident that we could ship our production kits off to theater and have them adapt to the functionalities of those production kits with ease.
We have also added more games that could utilize the production toolkits.
Here’s a screenshot of the toolkit overlay that was done for the game “Good, Bad & Ugly Advice”. On top of each “adviser”, it showcases which one they are. Down in the suggestions column, it will show which audience member is responsible in giving which suggestion.

Here’s a screenshot on what happens on the streamer/host’s end of things. They get to dictate which game we’re playing by clicking the options presented in “switch game scenes”, and different overlays for each game will show up. By clicking the blue circled area in Good Bad Ugly, for example, the host gets to dictate which players are the “good” advisor, bad advisor, “ugly” advisor, and so on.

And here’s a screenshot for the game “story conductor” that we have done. The host designates who is responsible for telling the story when, and whoever is telling the story will have the “presenter” icon shown on top of their part of the screen.

And in the circled area, the host gets to control whose turn it is to “present” through the area circled in blue. By clicking which presenter, they get to dictate who tells the story.

After communicating with Show and Tell Live, we’re hoping with the framework we have established, we could adapt one of the improv games that they have been playing and incorporate those into our code.
Plans next week
With the toolkit we have developed, we are running a playtest on Monday and see how things go from there! We will also be in touch with Show & Tell Live.
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