Newsletter Week 5

This week we had our quarter presentation. We will implement three activities: driving, chasing and solving color coded subway map puzzle.  The artists also started to create models.




On Wednesday this week, we finished our quarter presentation. Before that we already had a clear outline for the presentation and several times of rehearsals. We successfully delivered our game design to ETC faculty and got lots of valuable feedbacks on gameplay. Right after the presentation, we documented all feedbacks and had an internal meeting to sort out the feedbacks and modify gameplay details.


We have developed two solid ideas. One of them is kind of modern daily life stuff while the other one is under a medieval background. According to the feedbaks we got from advisers and other faculty, we all agree that activities and stories which players could be able to map into their real life experience would have better effect on develop empathy between the players and patients. So we decided to follow up the daily life idea. Now we are working on nourish the idea.

 Game Design

Our game designers have started designing for three activities that we will implement for sure. The three activities are: driving and parking, chasing a dog and solving colored subway map puzzle. By Friday, designers have come up with a detailed design for ‘driving’ and discussed the design in team.


Since we have a more detailed idea, we tried to make a list of all the art stuff we need and split the art work to artists. Considering we are going to build a virtual world simulating the real world, the workload would be huge. At this stage, the artist will try their best to create the models, but we may need to download some resources from the internet such as for the buildings.



Next designer will work out the detailed design for chasing and puzzle and programmer could start programming, too. Artists will build the models and see if we could get some from the internet.

Besides, as some faculty mentioned during Quarters, we will try to contact patients with eye diseases and medical relevant students. We’d like to learn more information from the patients and have medical students to be our ideal play testers.