Week 8 – Halves

Halves was this week! This week was spent on preparing for Halves and gathering our thoughts on how to respond to the feedback afterward. We presented our work thus far to the entire faculty with a nifty PowerPoint we’d come up with. Many of the diagrams used in last week’s blog post were originally intended for this presentation. Through the presentation we were able to gather feedback from the faculty about their thoughts on our progress, transformational goals, and general experience flow. Overall, they felt that our research was solid and the outline of the session sounded feasible. The art choice of emojis and cat paws was received with mixed reviews. Some thought the match with Internet meme humor was a good one, others felt it may bar participants from treating it with seriousness. Our biggest point of criticism was in the fact that the experience is ‘on rails’. That is to say, the way that the experience will go is more or less determined from the beginning and may feel more like a lecture than a game. This feedback is very helpful and we’ll get to implementing some new ideas – right after Spring Break!
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