Week 13 Apr 15 – Apr 22

This week was spent preparing for Softs, an ETC-faculty playthrough an review on Monday of next week. We’ve prioritized the following to complete before then:
Question Set: Refine, revise, and test the Original Question Set with new playtesters.
Data Visualization: Iterate on past designs and make the information presented to the user easily interpretable without being overwhelming or too cognitively taxing to understand.
OG Pool: Review and refine the pool of individuals who will be included with the handoff. Ensure a good distribution of people, mixed ethnicity, and gender.
Design and UX: Refine the messaging of our takeaway, test and iterate on previous methods to ensure the language and method of the reveal is as concise and clear as possible.
Tech – Capture Program: Standardize the method of data storage and work out a structure that allows the capture program to easily pass off new participant data into the main experience. Tech will meet to discuss the best method moving forward.
Sound: Refine and iterate on the current background music of the experience. The three specific tracks that are needed are loopable versions of the Question Loop BGM (what guests hear while they are in the main question loop of the experience) Intro BGM (what guests hear before the question loop), and the Reveal/Ending question loop (what guests hear during the reveal of their assumptions v. the truth of the other)
Install/Kenner Room: Work with client to find an ideal sound solution for the room.

We also had a chance to meet with our clients this week, who were very happy with what we had put together so far. They gave us some feedback on the visual style as well as the language within the experience, which we will be incorporating in the next week,

Check out the pictures from development, below: