Week 14: Iterating

This week our team is focusing on iterating the existing product. Our development phase has ended. Now we need to polish the product. There are several areas we need to improve on. More sound effects Adding visual guidance to Alexa Find a better way to present our product. During soft Read more…

Week 10: Puzzles!

This week our team’s focus is puzzle development. Weidi is working on our puzzle design and Ruoxi helps to find the right sound clips. Meanwhile Brian is working on the story script and Shawn is working on skill flow builder implementation. Weidi designed and built the maze + sound puzzle Read more…

Week 6: Exploring More

After our client reemphasized replayability, growing community and more inclusive age group, the team revisited our previous ideas with the question in mind: how can we make it a shared experience that has higher retention rate? Though we still like puzzle-centered adventure game, the team think it’s very hard to Read more…

Week 5: Prototypes

This week the team made three prototypes and have iterated at least once before showing them to client on Thursday. From there the team decide to purse the route of puzzle-centered adventure game.  Tech side programmer have used Amazon developer console to made a prototype with audio. Audio side we have Read more…

Week 4: Quarters

This is a week of receiving and responding to feedback for us. We also developed the composition box and nailed down our metrics. We had faculty walk around in Pittsburgh on Monday, open house in Silicon Valley on Wednesday and faculty sit-down on Friday. For the demo on Wednesday we Read more…