I can’t believe it’s already half-semester! This week, we did a 15 min presentation on our progress to all the faculties from ETC, and answer their questions. It’s the ½ checkpoint from all projects at ETC, to make sure the projects have a clear goal and convince them we can finish that goal.


To prepare for the presentation, the team made a 31-page slide, divided them into four parts – introduction, progress before ¼, progress after ¼, plan for future. And we did a live demo during the presentation, connecting the screen to our iPhone and showed the faculties our demo.

We rehearsed it many times to make sure we are confident and talk clear on the stage. John and Shirley helped a lot during the process too, and gave us a lot of useful advice – look around people, don’t worry if you forgot something, talk slowly.

We borrowed an HDMI-lighting cable from Jon to do our live demo, and he showed us how to connect it to the big screen at RPIS. We are all very excited about the presentation.

The Presentation

Our presentation is on Tuesday, we’re very glad that our client, Megan, Natalie, Mara, and Scotland from Jewish Health Foundation came to see it!

The presentation went well, our rehearsals in the last a few days paid off. Everyone was confident on the stage. And we are so glad the live demo went smoothly, we were so worried that it might go wrong. 

Link to watch!

If you’d like to watch, here’s the link!


Thanks to Steve and the tech team from ETC, we have a recording for our presentation. If you’re interested, you can just watch it here! 

Our team’s presentation starts at 38:12.

Demo Video

Or if you want to just see your demo, here’s the video for that!

Spring break

Next week is spring break! The team will take a week off, and when we come back, we’ll get feedback from the half presentation, and discuss them with our instructors and clients.

By now, I’m feeling pretty good about this project. I hope it stays this way. We really want to make this web app nice, creative and robust. A faculty once told us, we are making something that has the power to affect people’s choices, to change their routes, to help them explore something new. That is amazing. We hope our product can really help our attendees to explore, and help make Liftoff PGH 2020 the coolest conference.

See you in two weeks!



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