
This week, we met again with our clients, this time pitching them on our ideas.  Generally, the reactions were positive.  While they weren’t in love with any of the ideas in particular, they seemed to like the directions we were heading in.  In particular, they seemed interested in ideas which would have they player make some sort of real world change, not just play a game that donated money to a cause.

The other big takeaway was that we needed to settle on a cause before we could proceed any further.  Without a cause picked out, it would be much harder for us to settle on an idea since it’s important for the cause and the gameplay to be linked.  We discussed several causes, and ended up coming up with concrete gameplay ideas for two of them.  We also came up with a couple other less developed ideas, but after meeting with our advisers we decided to focus mainly on the two ideas, and one of them in particular which seemed more realistic in scope.
This weekend will be spent putting together a presentation for our clients on Monday.  Our hope is that they’ll like the ideas or, if not, they will be able to give us helpful feedback as to what specifically they’re looking for.  It’s also about that time to begin thinking about Quarters, so we’re working on our poster and other branding materials.

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