Week 12 – Iterations

This week we mainly proceed to the build for soft openings, modified list of deliverables and adjusted the work split. And we also had an important skype meeting with representatives of various departments from our client on Tuesday morning. The representatives are from departments including but not limited sales, product, and training development.

The meeting includes the presentation of our project, and broad discussion with representatives. The presentation is mostly identical to our half presentation except for the more concrete details about AR card game. Given the fact of remote online meeting, the pace of presentation is hard to control, actually we struggled a little about the timing to start talking and supporting the presenter, and sharing desktop introduces delay of demo videos. Besides that, the representatives is satisfied and thrilled about what we implemented so far and the future potential of VR and AR training. Next, they come up a couple of questions that we need to answer with documents in the last couple of weeks about design details, concerns, and how to deliver this project to their inner teams.

About our two prototypes, this week we basically tweak the user interface and add supplementary features to them, including very important score systems and in-app instructions. We consulted Dave Culyba about some questions confusing and tricky to answer, and playtested the AR card game workflow with switched content as coffee machine with Carl Rosendahl. Their feedbacks, as well as instructors’ advise, added a couple of tasks to the to do list. Besides these, we also did some reconstruction of our code architecture, reverted some work did last week about making the card game in-order, and extended the pre-game instruction. More tasks need to be done to merge two prototypes into same app, and revise the instruction order and wording to make the game consistent.


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