Week12-Playtest & Improve

Overview of Week12
  1. Created two sets of physical probs: magic box and campfire
  2. Finished all the 3D models we need
  3. Collected feedback from ETC Remote Playtest day
  4. Created our script for soft-opening video
  5. Implemented new features and iterated our experience

This is the week of the ETC Remote Playtest day! Normally, ETC brings in playtesters in-person for projects each semester and holds its playtest day, but under the circumstances, ETC holds the first Remote Playtest day. Team Next AR also prepared for the playtest. We created a video for playtesting to show the documentation of our series of prototypes which has our notion and progress. So, once Participants watch our video, they had to fill out a survey. At the end of the day, we were able to get a lot of valuable feedback. We appreciated all the participants who spent their time on our playtest. Please check out our video for “Remote Playtest Day”:

Also, we have a lot going on in the Next AR Team. We spent a lot of time and effort to improve our experience after we narrowed down our scope last week. We created physical probs that explain why we are doing AR project, finished all the 3d models, worked on a script for the soft-opening video, and implemented the new features and polishing interactions in our experience. Please see some of our updates below!

Playtest Results

After conducting playtest, we learned that most of the playtesters were enjoyed our experience. Below are the survey results and some feedbacks from the participants. 

69.2% feel the players are engaged in the playtest video.
61.5% feel the players have good social interactions in the experience.
75.9% feel this is more like an AR than a VR experience.

Passing cubes to another, balancing a board, and high-fiving are the most popular activities.

Physical Probs 1: Magic Box

Hooray, we finally finished making all the physical probs this week! These are two magic boxes that each player will be going to place in their space. Once they place their physical box and put their headset, players can grab unexpected objects from the box pass through VR. For example, players can generate some food sources to cook in the campfire. Once the food is fully cooked, they can eat or feed together. The purpose of using the magic box is to keep generating objects that players can do social activities together. What’s in your magic box? Below is our current design:

Physical Probs 2: Campfire

We also made two campfire probs. Now players can play with the virtual stones to build their campfire together on top of the physical campfire. Isn’t it awesome that you can build your own campfire with your partner? Let’s show our creativity! Below is our current design:

3D Models

All of our 3d models were completed as well this week. We expect that there will be a few minor changes until the end of the semester. For the food models, we designed and divided into different food and eating status including uncooked, cooked, overcooked, and eaten. Below is our current art assets:

Soft-Opening Video Script

Due to the current circumstances, our team remotely working together to prepare for the soft-opening. In order to record our video for soft, we as a team brainstormed together how could we show our experience flow in an effective way. So we came up with a video script that could well present our experience. Below is the example of our video script:


We have implemented our features and polished our experiences. 

  • We finished the campfire building system by adding an indicator to show where the bricks are when players release their hands.
  • All cooking and eating status are implemented.
  • Implemented visual burning effect for igniting campfire using log
  • Adjusted physics parameters to reduce the chance of objects flying away
  • Created grip slots that object will automatically change to a better angle for gripping mode