4 – Prototyping Mayhem


This week PewPewPew have poured all of our resources into prototyping a good input mechanic, concept art and team branding. And we are proud to share our team’s current iteration of our game poster!

Our tech team has prototyped a variety of 6 different controller input mechanics and have tested them with expert users from within the ETC. From these 6 inputs we have narrowed down to just 2 distinct aiming mechanics, the first method uses the mobile phones gyroscope to determine the direction in which the player is aiming at, much like Takamaru’s Ninja Castle on the Wii-U platform. The strength of this input mechanic lies in its intuitive nature, allowing the player to feel immersed in the game.

The second approach uses a smart algorithm to spawn projectiles determined by the swiping speed and direction on the mobile phones touch screen. This method has a slightly steeper learning curve but is also less error prone than the gyroscope approach. Also, if the game is played on a tablet, users would not need to swing a heavy device around to aim.


Finally, our art team has visualized a ninja fox, as seen in our poster, to be our games main character. We have also decided on an art style and color palette that will captivate both young children and parents alike. Since a picture’s worth more than a thousand words, I will go no further, enjoy our art and visit us again next week!

