Week 11 involved mostly fabrication and construction for the pedestals, and further design iteration for the interactives. We also finalized sign designs, SFX for the interactives, as well as made plans to hold a pop up in the RPIS for the next week. Below are some updates of what we worked on, and looking ahead, we will be finalizing the presentation for the interactives, continuing to white wash and prep our pallets for display, and move ahead to plan our install on 11/29.
The class voted on objects on Thursday, and we found that we had the “Sad” and “Hopeful” categories covered – something determined based on a google survey we had sent out (40 responses!) categorizing the different donor stories last week. Next week, we will finalize the donations coming from Zagreb, looking to add more light hearted, funny and angry stories – to complement our Pittsburgh stories for an emotional arc.
Playtesting continued for us this week, and we held one for Misty Window at the UC on Friday. We found that people felt comfortable with touching the window, recognized it as a fogged up window, and understood the basic interactions. We will continue to think about how best we can “prompt” the guest to interact, to overcome the initial trepidaton of “what should I do??”.
- Sign designs settled (Entry, informational, logistical)
- Misty Window iteration – rain drops, timing, multi touch, calibration (What would we do without Dandan Du!)
- Redesign of digital interface for “Typewriter” based on playtesting from week 10
- Completed pedestal (crate) production
- Completed white washing crates
- Completed “Misty Window” frame
- Started pallet white washing (ongoing into week 12)
- “Typewriter” maintenance – cleaning
- “Typewriter” presentation designs – platform
- Ikea visit for chair / table for “Typewriter”
Class / Museum
- Class voting on objects, recommendations made to round out experience
- Friday on main campus (10 playtesters)
- Plans for “pop up” made for next week

Winnie’s revised render of the space based on donation amount

Playtest at the UC – Shu came to visit us!

Crackle Paint (done over the weekend! More pics to come)

King Kong poses with her creation