Week 13 & 14 (11/19 – 12/3): Thanksgiving, Installs and Openings, oh my!

Pop up installation:

In our final week leading up to softs on the 28th and the install itself on the 29th, we set up a pop-up installation at the ETC over the weekend.  It was a success and gave us a lot of insight into the layout and presentation of the exhibits and interactive installations as well as the aesthetics including lighting and sound.

Anticipating the coming holiday, we finished painting the remaining pallets which completed all our fabrication requirements. We also confirmed the specifics of moving all the items to the Mine Factory on Tuesday morning with the help of students from the Drama department as well as students from the ETC as well. We also finalized our sound setup and speaker layout.

Based on feedback we received from the pop-up install, we made the final iterations on the interactives. We updated the typewriter UI and worked on the final prompts and artist statements for both the interactives. After finalizing the materials and details of the install we began to prepare for our softs presentation.


During Softs (from Faculty) we received some good feedback on our interactives on the misty window fade in / fade out timing, as well as a good idea for how to display the objects on top of the shelves, crates and pallets: sculpt clay!  This solution allowed us to focus more energy during the install and come up with a standardized solution to help the objects stand out (and avoid the impulse of guests to pick up the objects).

Dinner with Drazen, Olinka, and the class!


Install & Opening!

We moved our equipment into the space on the 29th, and spent the bulk of the 30th setting up the room, adjusting lighting, interactives, and organizing the donations according to the emotional sectors we assigned them during testing.  We also took into account story length, object size, as well as diversity of pedestal type (bet. Crate, Pallet or Shelf) in arranging how we displayed the objects.  Wednesday night the founders arrived, and we were able to secure the labels and remaining objects from the permanent collection.

The night of the opening we had an incredible turnout – we estimate about 100 people!  People reacted to the stories, and the interactions as well.  We found that the stories resonated with many, and the founder expressed positively to how we designed and organized the space, which we were grateful to hear.