WEEK9 – HALVES ヾ(o◕∀◕)ノヾ

Week of halves! On Wednesday we did our presentation and presented our demo at EA. Everything went well, and we were glad we got some feedback. Next step, we organized all the feedback we got and planned the next milestone for our project.


This week, we worked with our programmers to adjust some details in the environment. We fixed some texture issues and also added textures for the monster.

As for creature, we are still in the process of making animations since we got quite a lot feedback from our demo session in halves. Moreover, we finally figured out how to export the new creature animation and import it into Unreal, which is a great news for us.

Besides, we made a human model and managed to import it into Mixamo so that we wouldn’t have to rig and animate it step by step.


This week our team finished the first three scenes of the demo including Foggy forest, Interactions with creature and Transformation.

Specifically, for the foggy forest, we modified the fog to make it more realistic and added fireflies in the deep forest. Ladybugs and butterflies are also added into the environment to make the environment looks richer and cooler to play with.

For the second scene, we finished interactions of the player with the creature, including picking up the flower and giving out the flower. And we also added feedbacks from the creature and the scene like animations and particle systems to make the experience more interactive. The animation of flower shining while gazing and blossom are integrated into the scene. There are also particle systems when “life force” is transferred from the player to the flower after picking up.

Besides, we integrated sound into the scene. The sound made a huge different to the whole experience. It worked quite well during our demo playtest.

As for the transformation, we FINALLY made the transformation right! And we added sound effect and particle system to make the scene more powerful and emotional. The perspective change works fine now and players can easily feel the difference during the transformation.

Our demo video can be found here

Halves Feedback

For Halves feedback, it’s listed as follows:

Things went well

Environment is amazing

Creature is cute and natural

Players picked up the flower

Players gave the flower to the Creature

Transformation feels really nice and real

Things to improve


  1. Add Animation for interaction: Pat, Poke
  2. Add Eyes Morphing/Lighting to indicate emotion change
  3. Add Crying Animation/Particle
  4. Be excited when flower’s picked up:
    1. Eye light/animation
    2. Body Animation: Jump
    3. Move closer
  5. Be disappointed when flower’s dropped:
    1. Eye unlight
    2. Body Animation: sign
  6. Polish look at flower animation
    1. Add Blink
  7. Didn’t stand out in the environment


  1. When handed over to creature:

Fly into the sky then release particle to creature

  1. Add splash/ripple when dropped in water
  2. Show Different color when being looked by Player/Creature
  3. When it’s picked up, the particle should wrap the flower around
  4. Energy transfer particle is not in right position, should be on body
  5. Should be redder


  1. Too scary and distracting
  2. More fog at start and fade slow


  1. Add Butterfly and ladybug interaction
  2. Sound level is too low
  3. Transformation: Creature transform first then player transform


Based on these feedbacks, we created the corresponding tasks and assign them into our sprint board. We will finish the last two scenes next week and prepare for the playtest on Nov. 4th.