Week 6

Hello and welcome to our weekly newsletter!


We are in Week 6, we had a lot of valuable feedback from our Quarters the details of which can be found in our week 5 blog post. The take away from our meeting post Quarters was to build a story around a malfunctioning robot.


We had our design team brainstorm and ideate separately while preparing a pitch in three layers. Our first phase was to bring to the table a high-level idea and then work downwards, into the game mechanics. Once we had decided upon an idea, we would start researching existing content and then draw out a rough outline of the possible systems we could implement. Next, we would pitch to our team, get feedback and then work to our final pitch.

We came across an interesting idea of having the player be the malfunctioning Robot instead of the AI. The story would revolve around the guest (Malfunctioning domestic robot) who is a caretaker for the little girl (AI) starts malfunctioning and with the help of the little girl (AI), you are trying to fix yourself. This would involve using a manual and read it, then ask the little girl to help you solve the puzzles. Some of the objects in play would be –

  • Story Book
  • Manual
  • Tools
  • Wires
  • Furniture


It was difficult designing the voice interactions in this scene, as the moment we changed the AI to a human the guest expectations would increase while the hardware is still finicky and could easily break the experience. Going forward we decided to stick with the  AI being a robot to limit voice interactions also keeping the dialogues simple.
At the end of the week, we had a chance to visit 2K – Visual Concepts, this was a great learning experience and we also were able to share our ideas and get feedback from industry professionals.

Thanks for tuning in, we will see you soon!




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