Week 8

For this week, we focused on having a full structure to test in our VR experience. Until now, we tested mainly the 1st phase of our experience, which is the phase where users pick up objects that reveal parts of the women’s past. We had one scene for the 2nd phase, the memory related to the abortion, but it was mainly to test the transition and the flow of the experience In this week’s prototype, we wanted to implement the […]

Week 7

This week, we decided to complete 2/3 of the story flow of the entire experience, a rough version of course. We added another doctor scene and a new room scene. Now player can go through living room-doctor-bed room-doctor-end. We created a new interaction with the Polaroid we had in the game–now players can take pictures while watching the animation and listening to the voice over–to provide another element of gameplay. On Monday, we had filmmaker and writer Lance Weiler sitting with us and […]