Week 5 Newsletter (2/9 – 2/13)


The team spent most of the week getting ready for the quarters on Wednesday and Friday for team Legato in Pittsburgh. On Wednesday, we had a walk-through with visitors from EA and Google Tango team. We had 2 different prototypes that was developed last week, improved further for quarters. The week was mostly spent improving the prototype for Friday based on the feedback on SV quarter walk-arounds. We also met with Jess Trybus in the beginning of the week to get some feedback on what we got so far and what we plan to do.

Jelly Billiards Prototype

Jelly Buddies Prototype

Jelly Buddies Prototype



This week Goksu and Christian worked to get the team and the project room ready for the quarter walk-arounds. They documented the feedback from quarters and made it accessible to everyone on the team, in Pittsburgh’s team and advisors.  They also set up meetings with advisors, client and the team in Pittsburgh to get everyone on the same page about the project, the end product and the process of working remotely.


Christian and Jimin worked together to further define the “Jello Buddies” prototype we showed on Wednesday. They documented 3 different levels, introducing different mechanics on each one to get players to work together. Players were encouraged to reach a specified location, then collect some objects to increase their size, and then smash objects to free some trapped ‘jelly buddies’. After they have seen people play the prototype and get feedback on 3 prototype levels, they worked towards creating more intuitive levels to get the feedback of the faculty via the quarters of team Legato on Friday.


Lilian worked on creating the characters, environment and all the art assets based on the documentation designers created for quarters prototype.


Programmers Goksu and Micheal started the week with talking to an IT employee of EA to solve the problems with server communication of the game and latency issues. After the meeting, they  started developing the levels for quarters using the documentation designers provided. Goksu started implementing the health bar, camera movements and while Micheal was working on setting up a local server in EA. Meanwhile, Julia worked in the “Jelly” plugin we are using to create 3-limbed jello. She also worked on exploring the plugin further to be able to use it more to our benefit. Christian also helped programmers getting the prototype ready. After quarters feedback programmers worked on improving the input connection between phone and unity and reduce the latency. Julia implemented the invert force for jellies to be able to test it in quarters in Pittsburgh on Friday.

Next Steps

After quarters we had a meeting with OCCO and Pittsburgh team on Friday, the team together with Pittsburgh team decided to explore some other mechanics. With our client’s suggestion in Pittsburgh, we decided to change our focus from “4 people controlling one entity” idea to a broader one and prototype. Designers decided to work over the weekend to come up with ideas for the team to explore and prototype next week.