UX Flow Chart

For the user experience, we made paper prototype to test user experience.


We conducted several playtests to finalize the UX flow. After paper prototype, we built interactive prototype using Unity. At this point, we didn’t consider about the UI. We focused on the UX flow how user operate it naturally. For VR rehearsal, it can be categorized 3 part. Before practice, practice and after practice. Before practice, use can download presentation files from google drive or drop box easily.tra After downloading the presentation files, user can customize the practice environment such as size of space, timer and microphone echo effect. cus

Last part is calibration. In this part, user calibrate not only the noisy of space but also user’s voice volume to optimize the practice simulation. cali

This is the last step of preparing practice. After this calibration part, user can start to practice in VR scene. Capture

After finish the VR practice, the final step is review scene. At this point, user can find their performance of practice based on the fluency and proper eye gaze.r1

in the review part, based on the eye gaze, we generate color heat map to highlight the direction of eye gaze. We want to provide feedback of eye gaze and user will practice again based on the eye gaze result.